Screaming Into the Void

I keep going back and forth on what this webstite/blog/whole thing is supposed to be, and I will more than likely keep changing my mind but for now at least its gonna be the station from which I scream into the void.

I dont mean this as a futile or angry gesture. I see screaming into the void as a way of starting a conversation with all of the entities that exist within the void and possibly even the void iteself. I love teh void, I think that the internet is an absolutley incredible thing. I find inspiration, entertainment, and and so much knowlage within its depths and I am currently exploring ways to better use it in ways that maximise its usefullness. I also find a ton of distraction and manipulation that makes my exploration less usefull and less enjoyable. I dont think the solution for me is to stay off of the internet, out of the void, I just have to learn to explore and interact with it on my terms and in ways that reduce the negatives. As I look for wasy to do this I have found tons of other explorerswho that came before me who have drawn up maps, created guides, built communities and outposts to help the internet to be the wonderful thing taht it can be. With the ideas and inspiration I have gained from these folks I am going to do my best to become an active member of the void. I have simply been an observer up untill this point watching the void swirl and shift around me watching others stake thier claims, grow and fade, or build platfroms from which they influence the way that we see the void.

I have built dozens of websites over the years and they all sucked. They sucked for one of two reasons. The ones I built when I was little were absolute abominations, full of non-functioning buttons, clip art, and every other component I could cram into them without the browser crashing. They were wonderlands of color and creativity but they had no real purpose, they blinked into existance just long enough to occupy me. On the other side were the sites that I built more recently. These ones I created in the hopes of bulding up my "brand" or at the very least collecting my work for peers, employers, ect to find. The issue with these is the abslute lack of personality. I built these ones using teh bigger website builders that do genuinly make it easy to get a website done and out very quickly at the expense of the personality that I wanted. I had a website that had all the functionality that I needed all in a sleak and smooth package but honestly it was boring, I wasnt exited to create things out of that space, So I'm learning how to build my own, the old fasioned way. I barely know anything about coding but im tearing through the resources that I have found so far and starting to get a grip on hwo this all works. The site will probably be a mess for a while with new sections going up just to come down and a hodgepodge of different styles while I zero in on what I like.

All right back to my half baked void metaphor. My website, the one that you are reading this on right now, is my space station. It is the place where I will collect treasures both of my own creation and found on my journey, It is the space that I will invite other explorers into, and most inportantly it is the place from which I will do my screaming into the void.

Joseph 4/23/24